Tuesday 26 October 2010


We began filming each shot of our story board. To begin we needed to film in various corridors in the school. This posed a problem as - even though we were filming during lessons - there was still a large number of people walking through the halls coming into shot and making a lot of noise. This problem was unavoidable, so it just meant that we had to take a few shots and just hope that no one would need to walk through!

Most of the shots were filmed using a tripod. This eliminated the classic shakes of a hand-held camera. It also allowed us to tilt the camera and turn it smoothly and at a constant speed. This was great for our tracking shots.

To film the conversation shots we needed to find a room which wasn't in use. We eventually found an empty class room - though as we began filming the bell rang and outside the window it all became very busy with younger pupils. We had to wait for a few minutes for it to quieten down outside in order to film the conversation.

We constantly referred to our storyboards to make sure our shots were correct and that we were using the right camera movements. Of course the storyboards were not 100% accurate as they were not drawn from actual sets so we had to change each set slightly from the storyboard depiction.

I think we did really well to shoot what we needed to in such a short amount of time. We tried to film at least two different takes of each shots so that when it came to editing we could choose the better of the two depending on not only the visual but also the audio of the clip. As we filmed the whole thing in one session we didn't have many problems with clothing continuity but we had to make sure that our hair was in the same position in each shot etc.

We worked well as a team, although we all found it quite confusing as we were not as well prepared as we could have been because of the changes we had to make to our plot and storyboards. This meant that we were not as efficient about the shooting of the film as we were in a rush.

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